How often do you need to have your piano tuned?

Piano strings are under significant tension - up to 200 lbs for each string. Over time this tension stretches them, lowering the pitch, and gradually pulling your piano out of tune. Atmospheric variations, including humidity and temperature levels along with the nature of the piano's construction, and of course, how often its played, will affect the pitch and tuning of your piano.

Even a piano that is played very occasionally needs a regular tuning to keep it in good order - at least once a year. For pianos that are played regularly, twice a year should be enough to keep it in tune and on pitch.

What can be done if your piano hasn't been tuned recently?

If the string tension has reduced, the tuner will need to restore the correct pitch of your piano. This is only possible if the instrument is structurally sound and the strings are in good condition. If the pitch needs to be corrected, the piano will remain a little unstable until it has been tuned a second or possibly third time over a relatively short period.

Why ask a qualified tuner?

Only a qualified tuner will have the knowledge and the experience necessary to not only tune your piano but also to spot eventual troubles before they occur. A qualified tuner will also be able to advise you regarding all your piano needs.

What is voicing?

Voicing, also known as toning, is the process where the tuner can alter the colour or tone of a piano. It is very much a matter of personal preference. Some pianists prefer a bright clear sound, others a more mellow sound. Depending on your preference and your piano usage, your ear will tell you when it is time for your piano to be voiced.

What does it cost ?

A simple tuning can be as little as €90, depending on the piano, the distance, and the amount of time required. Call us for an estimate.


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